
27 October 2014

Craft: Folded Paper Christmas tree

This week I have another little Christmas craft for you. Its a very simple and easy to make Christmas tree made out of paper.

Popette loved making this craft, especially when it came to using the scissors and hole punch. We made a couple last year and had them sitting on our fireplace with some other little Christmas decorations we had (like the Toilet roll reindeers) floating around. I hope you like it!

All you need is: 

Wooden skewer
Single Hole punch
Square coloured paper
Sticky or Washi tape
Egg carton
Star stickers


To make the Christmas tree fold a square piece of paper concertina-style, then cut it into the shape of a Christmas tree. Using a single hole punch, punch a hole in the middle of the folded paper, then feed a wooden skewer through the holes. We stuck the tree to the skewer with a little tape, then cut out a single egg carton which we used as the stand. Finally we added a star sticker to the top, and voila there’s your tree!

To make the tree more Christmassy, you could decorate it with stickers or ribbons!!

Our trees and a reindeer we had made


  1. Oh what a great idea! And I have a stack of toilet paper rolls that I can make reindeers with too!

  2. Such cute ideas hun, my little guys will love to try these. Thank you xx


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