
30 October 2014

Craft: Masking Tape Mummies

This week I was in charge of craft at playgroup. While I love making craft with my girls, I can find it a bit of struggle to think of things to make for a group of kids (hello Pinterest!). And then there's the pressure of everyone liking it. I am such a sensitive soul.

Since it was the day before Halloween we decided upon a Halloween craft that was easy for the kids *ahem* adults to make!

So after a couple minutes searching Pinterest (okay more like couple of hours, I do love Pinterest!) I found this great mummy activity. They looked a little ghoulish and would make a fun activity for the kids to make.

I first gave them to Popette and Cherub as a test run, so after getting the thumbs up from them, I knew that the kids at playgroup would love them too!

Serious stuff making Mummies
Cherub sticking it to the Mummy
The girls finished Mummies - Popette's left, Cherub's right (see her little hand)

All you need is:

Masking tape
Cardboard, Card or Construction paper
Googly eyes
Black texta

On a piece of cardboard I drew a picture of a Mummy, which looks a little bit like a gingerbread man, but not to worry.

Then we cut the Mummy out and stuck pieces of masking tape around the Mummy's body to give the impression of bandages. For the eyes you can use googly eyes or draw them on like Popette did. And that's it!

Happy Halloween!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my girls would love this! They think sticky / masking tape is the best! X


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