
16 September 2016

Cherub - When you were 4 years old

To my dear Cherub,

I can't believe in a week you will be five! Five!! Its making me a little teary! Just the thought of you starting school next year and leaving me home alone makes my heartache.  I am sure to feel a sense of loss, not having your sweet cheeky self following me around asking me questions, or asking me if I want to do some painting with you. 

Enjoying lunch on the back deck

I knew this day would eventually come, but it feels like it crept up and sprung itself on me.

You are such a sweet girl, and love your Mumma, Dadda and big sister Popette so much. Lately, you've become our little "Miss Chatterbox" because you talk so much (even when eating your dinner!)

Wearing your Little Miss Chatterbox shirt

You have such a warm, fun personality. Your preschool teacher Melissa always comments how lovely you are, and that you are very kind and warm to others...I commented "She is sunshine!",  her reply was "Yes, she is Julie!". 

You have such a gorgeous laugh, and love being tickled. You still love me saying 'Round and round the garden..' and 'This little piggy' when you know all too well what's going to happen at the end.

You love to 'read' out loud your books, or tell me (in your own words) the story. 

You {still} love Nutella – especially “on bread in big blobs folded over”, and still don't like mashed potato as much as we've tried offering it to you.

You enjoy playing games on Wii, the computer and board games, jumping on the trampoline with your sister, playing in the sandpit, riding your bike, painting and drawing, playing with your duplo blocks and little princesses & castle and creating things with playdough.

Goofing off with your sister

You often say “You’re the best Mumma in the world!”or “I like (I’m sure you mean Love) you to the moon”, and “I love you Dadda to the moon and the stars and fifty and a hundred (meaning to infinity plus a hundred)

When you grow up you want to be a preschool teacher, and have babies (one of each)

You love learning, and can hardly wait to go to big school. You love writing words and letters, trying to tell us the time on the clock (you do a better job than your big sister), you sometimes read words out or add something up which surprises me so much, since you aren't at school yet. If we are shopping in Woolies, you will see a sign and spell it out, and say what is D-E-L-I. 

I love that you will give anything a go, no matter what it is...even scary stuff Mummy wouldn't have tried at your age like climbing a tree.

Cute things you say "That's a good idea" or "Is that a good idea Mum"

I have loved every single moment with you. 

My wish for your next year is that you continue to be your sweet, happy, fun self and enjoy yourself at big school. I love you to the moon, past the stars and to infinity. 

Lots of love
xxx Mumma


  1. What a gorgeous letter to your daughter. Happy birthday to your cherub and I hope you soak up her presence with you at home for the rest of the year x

  2. Oh such a beautiful post! She is such a great little girl and whilst you will be so sad she's off to school, school will love her! I'd love her in my kinder class!

    1. Aww thanks Denyse. She is a very sweet girl :) She is the total opposite to Popette and has quite a few friends at preschool. So I hope she adjusts to big school well. She's so excited about going to her first transition day which happens to be on her birthday! :)

  3. So sweet!! Best wishes for a Happy 5th Birthday for your daughter!

  4. Oh, so gorgeous, Julie! Happy 5th birthday to your beautiful Cherub! Love that lost photo of the 2 of you x

  5. SO lovely Julie! Our girls birthdays are a week apart! I am confident I am going to be a little lost (and Ruby too!) when my miss five starts school next year! Excited for her, but so much overwhelming emotion too x

    1. Thanks Elisa. Happy Birthday to Miss Five, I hope she had a great day. I'm sure Ruby will miss her lots when she's at school. Enjoy the rest of your time you have with Miss Five xx


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