
06 September 2016

Welcome Spring

I'm sorry I know it's been awhile since you heard from me. So much has been happening over the past few weeks. We've had sickness (like everyone else), open week, book parade, a birthday, catchups with family & friends and Father's Day...phew!

I feel the weeks have been a bit of a blur lately. The last couple days I have had a little vertigo, so
have had to take it easy otherwise it would certainly be a blur! But you know what's it like when you relax too much and don't feel as if you are doing enough cleaning or tidying up around the house...the guilt creeps in!

Today I ignored the guilt and spent some time sitting on our back deck enjoying the Spring sunshine painting.

I love Spring! It has to be my favourite season for sure. I love the crisp sunshiny days, the budding blossoms on my plum tree, the huge amount of native birds visiting our backyard and lazy afternoons filled with warmth (bye Winter!) and that stay lighter a little longer.

Father's Day was a beautiful day. The four of us enjoyed a quiet day at home watching the birds fly around our backyard while we feasted on seafood paella along with some homemade sangria. Lunch was followed by a few games of UNO, Cherub drawing while Hubby, Popette and I sat planning places we'd like to visit on our upcoming family holiday in November.

What's your favourite season? What did you get up to on Father's Day? Are you enjoying the warmer weather?

1 comment:

  1. I love Spring too but Melbourne hasn't gotten the memo it's here yet, we've had nothing but rain!


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