
31 August 2012

Week 34: Grateful for Friday

Yay, it's Friday! Thank goodness its the end of the week. Some weeks literally fly by and you wonder how that happened, while scratching your head trying to remember what you did.

Do you ever feel like that?

This week we've done some Father's Day shopping, went on a couple of walks, did some craft and painting.

While it was much nicer week than last week (you can read about it here), I'm grateful that its Friday and tomorrow is the weekend.

I am grateful that Hubby will soon be finished work for the week, as we miss him when he goes to work.

I am grateful that we can enjoy Friday afternoons together knowing he doesn't have work the next day.

I am also grateful that its the end of another long week with the girls, as much as I love them dearly, they drive me crazy at times, so I am grateful to have hubby's support over the weekend.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices.

28 August 2012

"Popette" painting on canvas

"Popette" loves to paint. It's one of her favourite things to do (as it is mine). Whenever I ask her if she wants to do some painting, she gets very excited and runs straight to the dining room (our art studio) waiting for me to cover the table with newspaper and bring out the supplies.

For something different, I thought I'd introduce her to painting on canvas. She's always painting on paper, so I thought she could try a small canvas I had lying around using my "big" brushes and acrylic paints.

She loved mixing the paints and making colours.

My little artist at work
Painting with cut-out shapes
Popette's finished artwork
Its been so long since I picked up a paintbrush. Before "Cherub" was born, I was attending an art class at a local creative arts community centre. My project was an oil painting of a beach scene and some lemons, it's still unfinished as I haven't had time or the motivation to get back into it.

My unfinished artwork

Do you or your little ones like to paint?

23 August 2012

Week 34: Grateful for this day


This week I am grateful for this day (not that it looked anything like this picture!) because it's not yesterday. Yesterday was a long, exhausting, emotionally-fuelled day sitting in a hospital room with my Mum while my Dad underwent surgery for bladder cancer.

For 4 hours we spent the time chatting about the girls, having deep and meaningfuls about Dad, the family and 'what if' conversations...some conversations I never thought we would have. We went for a couple of walks, had lunch in the hospital's coffee shop, looked at a knitting pattern for "Cherub" which Mum has kindly taken on, all of which to distract us from gazing at the clock.

I am grateful for this day as Dad has come out of surgery and seems to be okay. For someone who was given a "1 in 3 chance" of not coming out of it at all, I am so grateful that he is still here with us.

I am grateful for this day as it allows me not to worry so much about my Dad. After a restless night of worrying if Dad will be okay, seeing him today and hearing reports from nurses have given me some relief.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices.

20 August 2012

My little "Cherub" is growing up fast

I feel terrible that I haven't written much about my little bubba. Apart from her being sick, I haven't written anything, unlike all the posts I have written about Popette when she was a bubba.

I'm a little sad that this past year has gone by so quickly, you kind of forget once you have a toddler how quickly your baby's first year goes. I sometimes wish that I could rewind this past year and go through this time with "Cherub" all over again...minus all the times she's been sick and when she suffered the bad reflux.

Today I took her to her pediatrician, who thinks she has a big head for her age and is concerned about her fontanel's which have already closed up. He also commented that she hasn't 'grown into her eyes' and thought she might be a little cross-eyed. Of course being her Mummy, I think she's perfect!

My gorgeous girl

Last week she finally started commando crawling. Cherub is our chubba bubba and has been a little on the lazy side when it comes to moving. She's been rocking back & forth on her knees for a couple months, and sliding backwards for a few weeks. Yesterday she managed to commando crawl after my cup of tea. I guess it won't be long and she'll be crawling around after her big sister.

All dressed up in her new clothes

Cherub adores her big sister to bits. It's wonderful seeing them play together on the floor and being affectionate towards each other. Popette is always making her laugh, which is gorgeous. Cherub has got such a hearty little chuckle.

The girls playing together

I feel guilty when I leave her alone in her rocker or playing on the floor while I have a little time to myself (like the time I write a blog post or check my email/Facebook). I feel as though I should be spending this time with her.

I'm lucky that Popette goes to daycare twice a week, so I try and spend quality time with Cherub then, but there is always something that needs to be done like housework or errands, and I don't spend as much time with her than I should.

Cherub has a lovely little personality. She is so cheeky, and often grabs our finger and playfully bites it with her little fangs. She's always sucking her socks off her feet, then shoving her foot into her mouth. She loves playing on the floor with her toys or splashing away in the bath where she'll splash water all over the floor, walls and shower.

Cherub loves the bath!

I can't believe we will be celebrating her 1st birthday soon. It's gone by way too quickly.

17 August 2012

Week 33: Grateful for "52 weeks of grateful"

It's grateful time again, how quickly it comes around. I've had one of those weeks where I found it hard to think of what I am grateful for, which you can read about here. If you are not familiar with my grateful journey you can read up on it here.

When I started the "52 weeks of grateful" challenge in January (because it can be a bit of a challenge at times), I thought it would be quite easy writing about what I would be grateful for each week. I didn't think about how life might affect the posts I write, or fear that I wouldn't be able to write an entry one week...there are so many things to be grateful for right?

As part of my new years resolution I had already been thinking about starting a grateful blog (inspired by something I saw on Oprah, do you miss Oprah?) before I saw the announcement on Kidspot of the linkup. So I was very eager to get involved on this journey.

So this week I am grateful for the "52 weeks of grateful" journey.

I am grateful where each week I am reminded of what I am grateful for in life.

I am grateful for it challenging my lazy Mumma brain to think about something other than baby or toddler stuff, and make me write posts that (hopefully) has some meaning to each and every one of them.

I am grateful for the little community of bloggers I have come apart of through Kidspot Village Voices link up (thanks KS!), where I read and connect with some amazing bloggers. And for the readers who leave comments on my 'grateful' posts telling me what they liked about my post or leaving me a friendly message.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices.

15 August 2012

When life gives you lemons...

And here I was going to write a sweet little post about my little "Cherub" saying that she's just started commando crawling (finally), when I get a phone call from my Mum saying that Dad has to go into hospital next Wednesday for another operation. :(

Life sucks at times. I know there are worse people off, but lately we seem to be going through a lot of crap!

We've had the worst year with sickness, the girls have been so sick over the past 5 months, in particular "Popette". You name it, she's had it....the flu, colds galore, viral infections, bronchitis, seems she always has a runny nose (I guess that happens when they are in daycare two days a week). She's also started coughing at night again. I know littlies get at least 10-13 colds a year, but it would be nice to have a bit of a break!

Poor "Cherub" has caught the majority of them off her big sister, including gastro. She's recently gotten over a week of vomiting, high temperatures, being off her food, along with a bad cold and cough (which she still hasn't gotten over), which was caused from the measles vaccine she needed to get after being in contact with someone with a case of severe measles.

It's just been one thing after another...I am so tired of it.

My Dad's cancer has also returned causing him (and Mum) a lot of pain and stress. It's horrible to see them so worried about it, especially Mum. She called me today to let me know that Dad needs to go in for operation next Wednesday as the pain has become unbearable. She's asked if I could be her moral support on the day, so now I need hubby to stay home on that day to look after the girls.

This year both my brothers have decided to move. My oldest brother moved to Queensland a couple months ago, and now my other brother is planning on moving his family to the NSW central coast fairly soon. While it's great news for them, I just don't feel all that excited for them. I feel as though they get to have a 'seachange' and start their lives over again, while my hubby & I are stuck living where we are. Not that that's a huge problem as we love it here, but if my hubby was offered a role elsewhere (he's already knocked back some really good offers) we probably wouldn't move because of my Dad's cancer and staying close to my parents.

I've been telling hubby that I want to go on a holiday, it's been nearly 2 years since we've had one. I think we are both rundown and in need of some time away from the house.
Do you ever feel that you've had enough?

11 August 2012

Week 32: Grateful for learning

Today we had my Mum's 70th High Tea birthday party at our house. It was a lovely day spent with some of my family. My eldest brother and his family now live in Brisbane so couldn't make it in person, so we had a virtual get together over Skype, and wished Mum a Happy Birthday.

I had spent the majority of yesterday baking an orange cake.  As the cake hadn't risen very high, I decided to make a double-layer cake with whipped cream in the middle. And later decorated it with butter cream icing, some roses I made out of fondant, and silver balls (I know they have a proper name, but can't remember it!)

Ever since I made "Popette" a Peppa Pig cake for her 3rd birthday, I've been interested in learning more about fondant and making characters. In a few weeks time I'm attending a beginner's cake decorating class, which I'm really looking forward to.

I love that on the web, there are platforms such as YouTube and VideoJug, that allows people to load up a video of them showing off their skills and sharing tips. Over the past few weeks I have been busy teaching myself how to make roses out of fondant. I found some great tutorials on VideoJug (similar to YouTube) that shows you how to make simple roses out of fondant.

In six weeks time, we have "Cherub's" 1st birthday coming up, so I've been thinking of what type of birthday cake to make her. One of her favourite TV shows at the moment, is "The Hive", so thinking of making her a beehive with some of the characters from the show.

It's been quite some time since I have attended a class and learnt a new skill, so this week I am grateful for the opportunities in learning new skills, whether it's off the internet, from a friend, or from attending a new class.

I am also grateful to learn something that sparks my creativity, and brings pleasure to the people I make it for.

What are you for grateful for?

I am linking up with Bron over at Kidspot Village Voices.

04 August 2012

I knitted a strip

My first attempt at knitting a square

Well I was hoping to get a square or two knitted up for the 'Knit In' campaign that was run by the ABC, but in a month I've only managed 1/5 of a square, so have knitted a strip.

Hubby joked that its 1/5 complete, only 4 months to go til its complete! (hahaha)

It's a pity the knitting was due yesterday, I was enjoying the challenge, but having two sick kiddies over the past month has been challenging enough and when I did get time to knit it was late at night.

My parents are awesome knitters and will often knit up a beanie, cardigan or jumper within weeks, so I guess I haven't got the knitters gene in me. Maybe I'll continue with it for next year.

Do you knit? Have you ever finished knitting anything?

03 August 2012

Week 31: Grateful for Love

It's hard to believe that my Hubby and I have been together for 21 years, and that I've been with him longer than I have been alone.

I remember when we were first dating how we used to stay up all night talking and laughing. We felt so comfortable with each other and could talk about anything. Even now, we'll talk about anything to each other (that's when we can get a word in edgeways with our chatty 3yr old!), even if it's bad thoughts or things that erk us, we'll talk it out and try and resolve it. Of course there are things that don't get resolved and pop up in a heated argument.

Sometimes on the weekend, we'll have a quiet dinner after the girls have gone to bed. Hubby will cook up something special for just the two of us, and we sit at the dining table with some candles lit and a good bottle of wine talking about old times, places we have visited or things we used to do before the kids. Of course the kids often pop up in the conversation as well.

Our life is a lot different now, and there are days when we hardly get to sit down and talk to each other or spend time alone together. The last time we went out by ourselves was for a friend's 40th in December.

There are days when I miss just us.

I am very lucky to have someone as special as my husband, with whom I can share my life with. He is the love of my life and makes me happy. He is a wonderful partner and father, and caring son-in-law.

In the 21 years we have been together, we have travelled to some amazing countries together, got married, bought a house together, and had our two beautiful girls.

We've had a few ups & downs. The biggest hurdle for us, was the birth of "Popette" at 29 weeks + 3 days. It was such a traumatic time for us both, and something that hubby still hasn't fully recovered from. Thankfully, our girls are healthy...apart from the terrible colds they both currently have (and shared with us), the joys of parenthood.

So this week I am grateful for love.

I am grateful to have found it.

I am grateful to experience it, and grateful to feel it.

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves for 52 Weeks of Grateful over at Kidspot's Village Voices.

What are you grateful for today?