
04 December 2018

Goodbye IBOT, thanks for the memories

Today is the last day of the Tuesday linkup, a group of bloggers all knew as IBOT (otherwise known as I Blog on Tuesdays).

While I know that all good things must come to an end, it feels like its the end of a blogging era. I remember when I began blogging back in 2010, linkys were BIG and a must for anyone wanting exposure or to build a blogging community. OTTP's community has always been on the petite size, mainly due to the time and effort it takes to build a blog's following.

I never had dreams of writing daily blog posts or even publishing more than twice a week. When the girls were small and slept a lot, I had more time to devote to my blog, but nowadays my business is keeping me busy and I tend to be writing up posts for its blog instead of over here.

I was late to the IBOT party and didn't join until July 2015. Over the years it's been a great way of connecting with other bloggers. Not just sharing blog posts that we had written that day, but opening up and sharing parts of our lives. It was like sitting down with a friend over a virtual cup of coffee and having a chat!

I will miss you IBOT!

Thanks to Kylie & Jess for hosting IBOT for as long as you did, and for giving us a place to share our stories and be part of a blogging tribe. xx

Also thank you to those of you who have popped over via IBOT and left your thoughts and comments on my posts, its much appreciated! xx

Below are some of my favourite posts I have shared over at IBOT these past few years.

The arrival of Popette: my experience with pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome
04 AUGUST 2015

11 AUGUST 2015

17 JANUARY 2017

30 JANUARY 2018

09 JANUARY 2018


  1. It's been a good journey on IBOT, hasn't it? Shame about linkys dying but I guess there is a nice small community of bloggers that will continue to engage

    1. It was wonderful that it lasted as long as it did. :)

  2. The community found through blogging, and particularly link ups, is the best.

  3. I was late to the IBOT party too - didn't join in the fun until 2014 - but I like to think I made up for lost time :) So many happy memories!

  4. Oh Julie, how lovely to see these posts pop up. I hope that you will link up when you can on Mondays. Yes, losing IBOT is a sad event as many of us got to know people and blogs that way at first.

    Denyse #teamIBOT

    1. Thanks Denyse! Its lovely to reflect on all the wonderful posts that were published on a Tuesday. Yes I will try and pop over and link up when I can. xx


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