
24 December 2011

Christmas wishes from Off to the Park

I just wanted to take this time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe & happy new year! I hope you have a great day tomorrow and enjoy your time together, whether it's with family, friends, relatives or just on your own. I'll be taking a break from my blog over the Christmas/New Year, so will talk to you again in the new year. Thank you to those of you who take the time to visit and read my blog. I hope you'll come back and visit me again in the new year!

I will be having Christmas with my little family. It's "Cherub's" first Christmas, so we'll be having it at home along with my parents and Hubby's family. Hubby & I are crazily getting things organised now, so we don't have as much to do tomorrow.

Hubby is having a go at making crackling....mmmm...yum!! A shame we don't have any roast pork to go with it...we're having ham, cold roasted chicken, and an assortment of salads instead. I will be making my trifle this afternoon, which will go with pudding and brandy custard.

What's on your menu tomorrow? Do you celebrate Christmas with family, relatives, friends, or don't celebrate it at all?

21 December 2011

Jon Bon Jovi is alive and well!

Did you hear the rumour yesterday that Jon Bon Jovi was found dead in a hotel in New Jersey? Thank goodness it was just that, a rumour.

The below photo was published on the band's Facebook page showing a smiling Jon holding his "proof of life" saying "Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey, Dec 19th 2011 6:00". The message reassured fans that Jon is alive and well.

Yay, he's alive & well (photo sourced from Bon Jovi Facebook page)

Why on earth would someone make up a death hoax, about such a wonderful person. I am a long time fan of Bon Jovi's, and would have been very upset if it was true, not to mention thousands of other diehard Bon Jovi fans. I just don't get why someone would write a blog announcing to the world that he was dead when he obviously wasn't! Is it something they did for kicks or to get everyone (including me) talking about it.

Thank goodness you are still alive Jon, the world would be a sad place without you in it. Keep making beautiful music. Love ya!

16 December 2011

Wordless Friday: Growing up too fast

Today I'm having a wordless Friday. I know most bloggers go for a Wordless Wednesday, but I thought why not have it on Friday since it's the end of the week.

Cherub at 3 months

10 December 2011

Ho Ho Achoo!

So much for lovely, sunny, hot Summer days and barmy evenings!! The weather we've been having lately has been so unpredictable, one minute its raining and is that cold we've needed our warm pj's and heaters on, then the next minute its boiling hot and we have the air-conditioner on. What will be next?

Because of our weird weather conditions my little family have all come down with colds :( Poor "Popette" has been affected the most. "Popette" started out with hayfever (we think!), but two weeks later still has a runny nose, and now a chesty cough that keeps her awake at night.

Poor little "Cherub" is also struggling. She's all congested and nasily. Poor little darling. Its so hard to know what to do at this age, I've been using FESS nasal spray and have had the vaporiser on. This morning I rubbed some Baby Balsam on her chest...I hope she doesn't get any worse. I think she got it from her big sister....who can't help but kiss and cuddle "Cherub".

Both Hubby & I are feeling under the weather also. Not a nice way to be spending Christmas.

Both my munchikins and Hubby are in bed having a sleep. Hopefully when they wake up they'll be feeling a little better.

We were hoping to buy and decorate our Christmas tree today. Every year we go to a Christmas tree farm where Hubby and I pick out a tree we love, which he then saws down. We both grew up in a household with a fake plastic Christmas tree, so buying a fresh tree is a real treat for us. We love the smell of the fresh pine needles. It's become a little tradition of us going to the farm and picking out our tree. We can't wait for the girls to get bigger so they can join in on the excitement.

Depending on how Hubby is feeling, he might have to pick up the tree on his own, as we just don't have room in the family car anymore for all of us to go together.

I'm hoping we'll get over this cold soon, and will start feeling better for Christmas...I can't believe it's only two weeks away, and my little "Cherub" who is now 11 weeks old, will be 3 months old. Where has that time gone?

Thankfully I've got most of the Christmas presents bought. I just need to buy a few more, and pick-up some presents that I had on Christmas lay-by with K-Mart. I was a little upset on Thursday night. I went to pick them up when I was told that they didn't have it! So now they have to get the presents I selected six months ago from a delivery centre and ship them to my local store. Hopefully I'll have them in time for next weekend, which is when we are celebrating Christmas with my family.

Do you or your family have any traditions that you do each Christmas?

02 December 2011

This much water...

Today I received an email regarding a campaign that is being carried out on YouTube called "This much water". "This much water" is an important message concerning infant drowning in Australia, explaining that it only takes an infant 'this much water' to drown in anything containing water, whether it is a swimming pool, wading pool, dogs bowl, laundry bucket, nappy bucket or bath tub.

"This much water" features a number of celebrities and social personalities such as Jackie O, Kyle Sandilands, Peter Overton, Georgie Gardener, Amanda Keller and David Wenham, who have donated their time at no cost to help support this important cause.

The campaigners don't have an advertising budget, so can't broadcast the campaign on TV or the radio, all they ask, is if you can help spread the word by sharing a link to the "This much water" clip on your Facebook page, Blog or Twitter profile.

This Much Water - If you care "Share"

Note: no payment was received for this media announcement.

30 November 2011

Oh, your just a Mum...

"Oh, your just a Mum"...
How many times have you heard that expression? Not in a nice, positive way, but in that sarcastic, "Oh you don't work, you just play Barbie all day" tone from so-called friends and aquaintances. This post is me just having a bit of a rant.

One of my "Friends" on Facebook recently published this as her status update...

"hate when you get the "Oh your just a mum" or "do you work?" Uhhh yes, I am a mum!! That makes me an ALARM CLOCK, COOK, MAID, WAITRESS, TEACHER, NURSE, HANDYMAN, SECURITY OFFICER, PHOTOGRAPHER, COUNSELOR, CHAUFFER, EVENT PLANNER, PERSONAL ASSISTANT, ATM, GHOST BUSTER, BAIL BONDSMAN, SOLICITOR, MEDIATOR, CONFIDANTE and REFEREE. I don't get holidays, sick pay or RDOs. I work through the DAY & NIGHT. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life. And that's just my first job......JUST A MUM!!! I may not be anything to you, but I am everything to someone.
Re-post if you are a PROUD MUM ♥ and if you don't think it's a job, try it for a week as well as work 35 hours a week at a paid job!!!"
I had to "Like" the list, although I'm not a full-time working Mum like my friend, it does annoy me when people think that just because you're a Mum (a) you must not be busy, (b) they think you have lots of time to sit around and drink coffee while checking Facebook, or (c) have truckloads of time to email friends and arrange the latest catch-up. One of my pet peeves is when you suggest a catch-up to friends, and they leave to you to arrange, because 'they' (friends or relatives who don't have children) are too busy with their careers, and having a social life, etc etc.
Sometimes Hubby thinks that its only him that works -- well yes, he does work a full-time job and get paid, but I work too, as a full-time Mother, unfortunately I'm only paid what the Family Assistance Office sends me!
I love my Hubby to bits, but sometimes he really pisses me off when he thinks that he is the only person who is tired and hasn't had a decent nights sleep. He has been doing the night feeds for the past few weeks, which I am really grateful for. But some nights I stay up with him, and don't go to bed until he does. Last night he stayed up late because he was feeding "Cherub", when I went to bed it was 11.10pm. He mentioned that he didn't get to bed late because she was unsettled.
This morning at 5.00am, "Cherub" was moaning for her bottle. I could hardly keep my eyes open as I had only drifted back to sleep after being up twice with her at 3.00am and takes me a while before I can get back to sleep.
I finally dragged myself out of bed at 5.30am to get her bottle ready and started feeding her at 5.45am on the lounge. Hubby then got up at 6am, so he could get ready for work. As he doesn't have to start at a specific time, I asked him if he could take over the feed so I could go back to bed before "Popette" woke up...which he then got cranky about. He took over feeding bub so I could get my 'beauty sleep' as he called it, but I argued that it was so I could function properly.
He thinks he's the only one that needs to function properly because he has to get up in the morning and go to work, but guess what, I need to function properly too, so I can look after our children and make sure they are fed, taken care of properly and not put in harms way if we go out.
Hubby constantly complains about the lawn needing to be mowed....I don't know what it is with men moaning about mowing their lawns! He thinks its more important to have the lawn looking good, then keeping the house clean & tidy if someone comes over!? He also thinks that washing bub's bottles and feeding her comes under "Housework", I think not. I sometimes wonder how well he would cope if the tables were turned, and I was the full-time worker and he was a stay-at-home Dad.

Below is a list of some of the duties I do as a Mum, there's probably more that I haven't thought of...
  • Breastfeed (back when I was breastfeeding, have since stopped which I regret, but that's another story)
  • Express breastmilk
  • Wash baby's bottles (which happens 2-3 times a day)
  • Sterilise baby's bottles
  • Change nappies on both "Cherub" and "Popette"; unless Toilet training "Popette".
  • Feed "Cherub", "Popette" and myself
  • Sometimes bath "Cherub" & "Popette" (Usually Hubby looks after bathing the girls so he can spend some time with them)
  • Dress "Popette" and "Cherub"
  • Shower and dress myself
  • Pack & unpack dishwasher
  • Put on a load of washing and hang out,
  • Fold up clean clothes etc and put away (including "Cherub's", "Popette's" and my clothes - I refuse to put away Hubby's clothes he can do his own)
  • Wash dishes that can't go in dishwasher and put away
  • Sweep floorboards
  • Mop floorboards
  • Vaccum rugs
  • Clean bathroom, kitchen, dining room etc
  • Pack up "Popette's" toys and put away
  • Entertain "Popette" and "Cherub"
  • Take "Popette" on playdates, to Music, appointments and the shops etc.
  • Put "Cherub" and "Popette" down for a sleep
  • Run in to "Cherub" whenever she cries and soothe/settle, re-wrap or stick dummy into mouth
  • Play or do activity (ie. painting, play doh, craft) with "Popette"
  • Tidy "Popette's" room
Now I can't take all the credit for doing everything on this list, hubby does do some of these items, but he doesn't do them all the time, everyday. I do.

Besides looking after the lawns, he does the clothes washing (I am a very lucky woman, I know), looks after the rubbish and recycling bins, does the dishes on occassions (mostly just leaves his dirty dishes on the sink waiting for me to place them in the dishwasher, which he occassionally loads & unloads) and does most of the cooking.

I guess you are now wondering what I am whinging about! I know I shouldn't complain, he is a good husband and does a lot for me, it just annoys me that he doesn't acknowledge the amount of stuff I do besides looking after "Cherub" & "Popette" each and every day. He somtimes complains that he is tired and had a long day at work, but I too am tired and have had a long day with two trying little people. One of them is totally reliant on me, and the other one is going through a trying time and still doesn't know how to express herself properly. Not to mention going through the terrible-two's and a clingy stage because of a new baby in the house.

Tonight he is off on a work Christmas party, he's not sure what time he'll be home. I guess I'll be having a long night with "Cherub" and "Popette". "Popette" had a meltdown this afternoon after having a long playdate with a friend, so not sure how she'll behave tonight with Daddy being out or whether I'll get her in bed at all. I'm hoping she'll go to bed quietly.

Thanks for letting me have this rant!

24 November 2011

On the twelfth day of Christmas...

Can you believe there's only 4 weeks to go until its Christmas. Isn't that crazy! I can't believe it's just around the corner. I'm not feeling at all festive as yet. Usually around this time I'm getting excited about buying our tree. Ever since Hubby & I moved in together, many years ago, we've bought a real Christmas tree from a Christmas tree farm, and decorated it together watching Christmas movies. I just love the smell of the fresh pine needles. ;-)

Today Hubby & I got some Christmas shopping done with "Cherub" in tow, while her big sis "Popette" was in daycare. I am cherishing Thursdays now. I still miss "Popette" at times, but it is nice to have the day to myself (kind of) and have some peace & quiet, and relax for a while before "Popette" is back home again.

To try and get into the festive mood, I thought it might be fun to say what you would like your "true love" to give to you on the 12 days of Christmas, I'll begin...

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...a framed photo of my beautiful family.

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me...keys to a fully furnished apartment in gay ole' Paris (must say “Paris” with French accent so rhymes with song!).

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me...a box of shiny new decorations for our Christmas tree.

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to nights in gorgeous Italy.

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...a new shiny ring.

On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...a relaxing couples massage with my hubby.

On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me...a romantic candlelit dinner for two by the sea.

On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...a day trip to the Zoo with my family.

On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...a quiet weekend away for just me and my hubby.

On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...a cleaner for a month to help poor old me! ;-)

On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me...a beautiful catered lunch for all of my relatives and family.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...a happy & content family.

Hmmm...while these are all nice things (and most are just wishes). I would be happy to receive the bottom one, a happy & content family, where we have a day with no screaming toddler tantrums, and just have lots of fun.

What would you like your 'true love' to give you this Christmas?

23 November 2011

My Dad and the big C

Just recently my husband and I found out that my Dad has cancer. All my family knew except for us, as my Mum thought she was doing the right thing, and didn't say anything to us until after I had "Cherub". While I was pregnant Dad was admitted into hospital. We were told that he had polyps, and had to have an operation to have them removed. What we weren't told was that they were malignant.

Mum didn't want to tell me while I was pregnant in case my blood pressure acted up (which it already was) and went in to labour and had another premmie baby. So a few weeks after we got home from hospital with "Cherub", my parents dropped the news on us. It was a bit of a shock to say the least. I had wondered if it was cancer, and worried a lot about my Dad while he was in hospital. Mainly because of his age, he is 84, and because of his health problems. He had been in hospital a few months prior with a bad stomach virus which took some time for him to get over.

My parents were told that the Drs got all the cancer and that he was in the all clear, but just last week he had a follow-up appointment with his specialist and was told that there cancer was still there. Its so sad, I don't know what to say to Dad, or how to feel, apart from very sad.

I know that there will be a day when Dad won't be around, but I'm not ready for that yet. I want him to be here for Mum, for me, for my brothers and mainly my that being selfish? I want him to see his grandchildren run, play, get excited when Nanna & Poppy come over to visit, see his granddaughters give him lots of cuddles and tell him that they love him. I want to get to know my Dad better as well. I love my Dad and feel as though I've never really gotten to know him.

My Mum and Dad are fifteen years apart, and were quite old (well Dad was) when I was born nearly 39 years ago. Mum was 30 and Dad was 45, and I was the third of 3 children.

For quite some time Dad has had health issues. He's not as sprightly as he used to be, and tires easily. Before hubby and I had children we would often have my parents over for lunch or dinner, and afterwards play a game of cards or a boardgame. My Dad & I would sometimes gang up on my Mum and Hubby in a game of Canasta, although we didn't always win. Other times Dad would reminisce about his youth and would tell us stories of things he got up to with his brother and sister. I used to enjoy that time together.

Dad has never been the clingy type of Father, and telling you that he loved you. However, Mum, Dad & I always liked a good hug. ;-) I know he loves me and my brothers, even if he seems a bit of a grump and is set in his ways.

Sometimes it's hard having a conversation with Dad, especially as he has hearing problems and tinnitus, but other than that its knowing what to talk about. I guess the thing we talk about lately, is his two granddaughters who he adores.

He loves spending time with his grandchildren, even if it is only for a small amount of time as he can't stand too much noise. I think seeing his family makes him happiest. Unfortunately my brothers don't see a lot of my parents, so they miss out on seeing their grandchildren for sometimes months at a time.

It maddens me that my brothers don't think of my parents.

As Christmas is coming upon us, it means we'll be having another get together before Christmas due to us all having different plans on the day. I don't know why we can't get together as a family on Christmas day. My eldest brother always catches up with his wife's family on Christmas day, which annoys me. Sadly, there will be a day when Dad won't be around and they won't have the chance to see him at Christmas.

18 November 2011

There will be days like this...

Today has been one of those days! "Popette" has been eating us out of house & home. With what seems like 5 minute intervals of "Mummy I'm hungry", I feed her with what I think is a lot of food, then I get another "Mummy I'm hungry" two minutes later.

Our lounge room looks like a warzone...ok I'm telling a little white lie here, my whole house looks like a warzone at the moment. Besides "Popette's" room, the lounge room has toys thrown, dropped, kicked and tossed across it. My lovely hubby doesn't think it looks any worse than yesterday (not sure if that was a compliment?), but I tell him that "Popette" has been tripping over her toys, so it must be bad.

I feel like I'm forever picking up toys or cleaning up the mess. Lately I just don't seem to have the energy or time to clean up the whole house. I try and keep this house tidy, but half the time it doesn't look as if I’ve done anything!

"Popette" is not only going through the "terrible-twos-I'm-nearly-three" stage, but a "No" or a "I can't" stage as well. Lately we've been getting told "I can't need it". Which might be a reply to "Why don't you finish your lunch?", or when I tell her its time to have a lay down and rest, "No, I can't lay down"...of course I say "Oh yes, you can". At least she is sleeping in her 'big girls bed' :)

She is also being toilet trained properly (meaning: wearing undies during the day). My wonderful hubby thought it would be a great idea to get her wearing underpants while he was off work (he has since gone back to work!). Of course, I didn't think it was the greatest time to be toilet training her after bringing her baby sister home from hospital!

We started toilet training her back in April, but she had regressed. For the past few months or so we had her in nappy pants and pull-ups, but she never got to the point of telling us that she had to go to the toilet, so hubby insisted we try her in undies. It would be easier if I didn't have a newborn to look after. She's doing okay, but doesn't always tell us when she needs to go to the toilet so has an accident.

The past few mornings "Cherub" has been drifting in and out of sleep after a feed. She keeps loosing her dummy and cries out, so I've been running in and out of our room to her. If it's not her crying and waking up "Popette", it's "Popette" screaming or yelling out and waking up "Cherub". Thankfully "Cherub's" having longer feeds at night now, so we’re getting a little bit more sleep. I can’t believe how tiring it is with two though. Some days I feel so knackered by the end of the day. I’m grateful that I don’t have to go to work the next day, I don’t know how people cope. I’d be falling asleep at the desk!

I guess what has been lovely is the fun I've been having with "Popette". We played musical instruments this morning, and sang some songs that we either learned from music class or "Play School" which was fun. She also has been enjoying 'craft time' with Mummy (which she calls 'crafting') and enjoys making 'something special'. Most of the time it is usually Mummy making the craft and "Popette" playing with it. Yesterday I made her a fishing rod out of pipe cleaners, and some fish out of kept her entertained for a little while.

I'm also getting beautiful smiles and coos from my baby girl, which is just gorgeous. I can't believe "Cherub" is 8 weeks old today, and we'll be celebrating her 1st Christmas soon. The whole pregnancy and "Cherub" now growing up, is going by way too quickly for me. 

09 November 2011

Celebrating 15 years

Today it's my 15th wedding anniversary!!! I can't believe how quickly these past few years have gone for us both. One minute we're a married couple, the next we are a family of 4!

My hubby and I met while he was working at a bank. I was 18 and he was 17..although I thought at the time he was at least 19...must have been the long hair!! I remember checking him out while I waited for some legal documents for work, thinking to myself that he wasn't bad, and was cute. Once I received the documents I waited by the lift, and the next thing I hear is a guy saying "Excuse me, would you like to go out for lunch with me?" I turned around and there he was! I was stunned and a little nervous, as I wasn't used to being asked out. The first thing I said was "What's your name?". After a quick chat in the lift, I agreed to go out for lunch with him, and as they say the rest is history! ;-)

I feel so very lucky to have found such a wonderful husband, who is so caring, and loving. We have been through some tough times over the past few years, but also have had some wonderful moments together, and hopefully will have more to come with our two gorgeous girls.

He's been such a wonderful help over the past 7 weeks with both girls, and also the past year with my pregnancy which was quite stressful.

It's been a couple years since we've managed to go out for dinner on our own, so on Saturday night we have my sister-in-law babysitting the girls, "Popette" (nearly 3) and "Cherub" (7 wks). It's been so long since we've had a meal on our own, it'll feel strange not having the girls with us. I hope we can enjoy it without worrying too much.

Tonight I'm hoping to get "Popette" fed early and into bed (fingers crossed!!) then cooking hubby dinner...some Pork Cutlets with a mustard sauce...hopefully it'll taste as good as it looks in the recipe book. ;-)

07 November 2011

Trying times...

A quick word from the blogger...

Hi there,

Just thought I'd let you know that I'm having issues with responding to comments on my blog. For some reason Blogger isn't letting me sign in as myself when commenting, this includes commenting on other people's blogs! Very annoying. So if you have commented on one of my blogs and I haven't replied please don't think I'm ignoring you ;-)

Now back to the blog...

As you know I recently had my second child, "Cherub", now 6 weeks old, and have a 34 month old toddler, "Popette", who turns 3 in January.

Lately, I'm finding it hard to spend quality time with "Cherub" when she is awake, which isn't that much at the moment as she tends to sleep a lot. (Or could it be that I've forgotten all about the baby stage and how long she should be up and asleep during the day. :-))

I try and get "Cherub" up before her feed and spend a bit of time playing with her on the floor (ie. tummy time) or talking to her, but "Popette" likes to join in and sometimes takes over.

With all the difficulties I've been experiencing with "Popette", I'm weary of giving too much attention to "Cherub" as I don't want to make her jealous. I've already experienced a couple of occassions where I've been holding "Cherub" and asked "Popette" to do something, and she's lashed out at me.

Don't get me wrong, she loves her baby sister very much, and constantly gives her kisses and cuddles. And if "Cherub" loses her dummy "Popette" will get it for her, as long as it hasn't fallen on the floor.

"Popette" goes to daycare 1 day a week, so I have that day with "Cherub", but any other time is hard as I have her at home with me and "Cherub".

What doesn't help is the time it takes to feed "Cherub". I've been struggling with breastfeeding since leaving the hospital. I've been having issues with a low milk supply, and after finishing a 5 week course of Motilium I've been finding it isn't fulfilling's "Cherub's" appetite. I am constantly giving her top-ups of formula, or just giving her formula without breastfeeding, which I also had to do with "Popette".

This means feeding "Cherub" can take a long time. By the time I put her down for a sleep, it is only an hour or so until its time to get her up and do it all over again. This is hard with "Popette" as I'm not having as much time to play with her, or get any of the housework done. When I do get a chance to have a little break, it's usually spent on the computer!

My hubby and I have tried to involve "Popette" with "Cherub", ie. being Mummy & Daddy's helper when changing "Cherub's" nappy, and when bathing her.

Any suggestions on what else I can do?

03 November 2011

Off in the land of nod...Wordless Thursday

My sweet little princess fast asleep..I just had to sneak a kiss and take this photo :-)

Sweet sweet girl...sound asleep

29 October 2011

"Popette" is growing up

Popette's growing up so quickly into a big girl. She likes helping Mummy and Daddy with everything! Sometimes she'll insist on doing something and say "I want to do it", like putting her shoes on so we let her even if they go on the wrong feet, or she'll want to help us with washing Cherub's baby bottles, which is gorgeous. She loves sleeping in her "big girls bed" now, and hasn't asked Daddy to lay next to the bed or want to go in the "babys bed" for 4 weeks or so. Sometimes we forget that she's only 2 and it wasn't that long ago when she was our gorgeous baby girl.

Popette and Iggle Piggle

Yesterday Popette had her first "official" haircut at the hairdressers. I have cut her fringe a couple times at home, which the hairdresser could tell as I cut past the fringe line...oops, so this was Popette's first time in the hairdresser's chair!

We hadn't taken her when she was younger as she didn't have a lot of hair, plus she doesn't like loud noises (especially hairdryers) so we've avoided taking her until now.

She was very good. The hairdresser set up an iPad which had access to Wiggles clips on YouTube, and gave Popette a lollipop, she was happy to sit on Daddy's lap while having her haircut.

Today Popette and I had some "Mummy & Daughter" time. Hubby thought it might be a nice idea for me to take Popette to the shops and try an re-bond with her as she hasn't been that affectionate towards Mummy for the past month or so with the arrival of Cherub.

She did very well in holding my hand while walking around the shopping centre, and enjoyed driving the red car that I hired for her. It was nice to have some time alone with my "big girl" and not have her yelling or hitting me. We had a couple of small episodes where she didn't want to hold my hand or get into her carseat, other than that it felt like it used to when it was just her and me.

There are days when I miss my little girl, sometimes I wish I could freeze time and keep her at this age...then I have a shocker of a day and can't wait for her to grow up ;-)

21 October 2011

4 weeks old already

Where has the time little 'Cherub' is 4 weeks old today, its so not fair!! I thought I'd share some recent photos of my gorgeous little girl with you. I can't help myself, lately I have been busy taking photo's with my camera or on our mobiles of her.

She's such a sweet little thing, but has been suffering with reflux. For the past few weeks she has been unsettled and keeping Mummy & Daddy awake all hours of the night with her crying. She's on medication so hopefully it'll help her.

'Cherub' is putting on weight. As of last Wednesday she put on 420 grams. She is being breastfed as well as having formula. I'm hoping I can continue to breastfeed her, but as with "Popette" I've been having issues with my milk supply and have been on medication to try and increase it.

I can't forget my other gorgeous girl "Popette", here's a recent snap of her with "Iggle Piggle" at the shops. "Popette" loves her new little sister, but is having a few behavioural problems with Mummy & Daddy, mostly Mummy :(

I'm hoping she gets over it soon, and goes back to being my sweet girl. I miss my little girl a lot. Its rather upsetting when she doesn't want anything to do with Mummy, and only wants Daddy. I don't know what I'll do when Hubby goes back to work in two weeks time.

30 September 2011

She's here...the arrival of "Cherub"

Hi everyone,

I know it's been a while since I wrote, but that's because I have some exciting news!!

Last Friday my little girl, who shall be known as "Cherub", was born at 7.48am by caesearean, weighing a healthy 3.16kg and 51cm long. If I do say so myself, she's absolutely gorgeous!! She has lots of dark hair, and dark blue eyes, and looks a lot like her big sister "Popette"...except for her hands and feet which look the same as Mummy's...fat and chubby!

Isn't she lovely!

"Cherub's" birth was a very emotional time for my hubby and I. As soon as she was born I burst into tears (all happy of course), then when she was cleaned up and placed beside me on the operating bed, my eyes welled up in tears for the second time. It was such a lovely moment for my hubby and I, as we didn't experience this when "Popette" was born.
Meeting an emotional Mummy!

We are so lucky that everything went well with the operation. The only "hiccup" was that the pain relief they gave me wore off too quickly after the operation, so I was kept in "recovery" for a couple hours while they tried to find me some pain relief that worked. Other than that, there was no major problems with my blood pressure or with me developing pre-eclampsia, which we were very happy about. 

I was very fortunate to have a good team of doctors looking after me and my daughter. While in hospital "Cherub" had a little jaundice, but it wasn't serious enough to have her treated, and I had some issues with my blood pressure as my Dr took me off my medication, but that was soon sorted out.

We left hospital on Wednesday, and are glad to be back home. I missed my hubby and "Popette", and I think Daddy had a tiring time looking after "Popette" and driving to the hospital each day, so is happy to have all his girls finally at home.

I might not get a chance to write too much over the next few weeks, as hubby and I will be trying to settle "Cherub" into a routine, and also be dealing with "Popette" who is still getting used to having a little sister.

19 September 2011

38 weeks today!!

I'm 38 weeks today! I've finally arrived at my goal, and "Bump" is considered full-term. Woohoo!

7 1/2 weeks ago my hubby and I were worried that I might not make it this far, and had the worrying thought that "Bump" might be born prematurely like her big sister, "Popette" at around the 34 week mark.

We are so grateful that that didn't happen and we've made it to full-term. My OB/GYN is still watching me very closely, especially my blood pressure, and is happy that everything is going well and that I've come this far. This Wednesday she'll be checking me for any signs of impending labour, if she doesn't think anything is going to happen soon, then it looks like I may become a Mummy again as early as Friday!

Meaning I'll be booked in for a caesarean if I don't go into labour by Wednesday. If I happen to go into labour or start showing signs (cervix dilated etc), then my OB/GYN will hold off for a few more
days to see if I can go in labour naturally. Now the waiting begins...

Yesterday, hubby, "Popette" and I went on a tour of the hospital. We thought we should become familiar with the hospital and delivery suites etc, just in case I happen to go into labour, and since we
never got to the attend antenatal class that they had held there.

I think it was the first time I found myself excited about "Bump's" impending arrival. Lately, I've been so worried about "Bump's" big sister "Popette", what with her behaviour which has been terrible (not sure if it's just terrible-two's or a combination of things) and all the problems we've been having with her, that I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about the arrival of "Bump".

Hubby and I were all booked in to attend antenatal classes when I was pregnant with "Popette". But the week we were supposed to attend our first class, was when "Popette" was born, so we didn't
worry about it. We thought we'd try and attend a 'refresher' class this time, but getting someone to  babysit "Popette" has been our problem, so we missed out again.

I'm hoping our lack of knowledge regarding the breathing and relaxation techniques, and the signs and stages of labour doesn't cause me any issues. I've been trying to read as much as possible so I'm aware of the signs and symptoms. My OB/GYN said that "we'll wing it" since hubby and I haven't been to antenatal that'll be interesting.

Lately I've had a couple of "off" days. I'm sure it's normal to be this far pregnant and for my hormones and emotions to start getting to me, but lately it seems like *everything* is getting to me and is doing my head-in.

I had a bit of a breakdown yesterday crying to Hubby "that its all too much", of course he didn't understand what I was on about. Typical male!

If it's not "Popette's" behaviour towards me, problems with her going to bed at night or refusal in going to daycare, it's me worrying about my parents especially Dad as he's been unwell and had recently spent time in hospital.

Then there's my hubby's family who have decided that they'd like to move back to Sydney. They have recently started looking at rental properties not far from us, and have come down a couple times to
view properties, and rely on staying with us. Personally, I think its a bit much to ask someone who is about to have a baby to accommodate 3 more in the house with an unsettled toddler. But of course, hubby doesn't think so, and is only to happy to have them stay with us.

They called us Saturday to say they were "down". But as they couldn't get hold of us Friday, they stayed the night in a hotel. My initial thought was 'thank goodness for that', as we had only just gotten over hubby's mother and our 10 year old niece staying a couple nights the week before, which caused further problems with "Popette". I just couldn't of handled them staying with us again so soon.

I'm really worried about when the baby is born, as I know they'll want to come down and see her in hospital and will probably spend a few days down here (they live 4-5 hours away). I've suggested to hubby that it might be a good idea if they stay while I'm in hospital so there's not too many in the house when I get home with "Bump". But I'm worried about how "Popette" is going to react with not only having a new sibling, but having had visitors stay with us, not to mention Mummy not being at home. We also need someone to look after "Popette" on the day the baby's born, as my hubby of course wants to be with me, so there's that problem to think of as well. As I'm sure "Popette's" not going to be happy with her "Mummy" or "Daddy" not being around.

I'm also going through the "nesting instinct" where I want things done, and want it done now!!! Of course hubby doesn't understand why it's necessary to have something like the baby's room clean
and tidy when she's not going to be sleeping in there at first, done NOW!

I have a "To-do-list" of things I'd like to have done before the baby comes home, which if it's not done now will probably wont get done later as I won't have the time. Of course I was told to "stop worrying about the list"....but I don't think that's going to happen somehow.

13 September 2011

My not so sweet little girl

Lately my sweet little girl, hasn't been so sweet to Mummy. She has become very very clingy to Daddy, and only wants Daddy to get her something to eat, take her to the toilet, get her dressed, put her to bed etc. While you might think, "Yay, that's great", it breaks my heart that she doesn't want me to do anything for her. All she wants is Daddy, and if I say I'll do something she has a sudden outburst and cries. It's been like this for the past few days. We've also been having issues with her going to bed at night, where she cries and gets upset when we put her down, ending up with a very tired Mummy & Daddy. My poor hubby is tired of being the one that has to do everything, even though he knows she's not herself lately, so he does whatever he can do to make her happy.

I'm sure the impending birth of "Bump" is playing on "Popette's" mind and seeing my tummy get bigger and bigger, isn't helping. She told one of the ladies at daycare last week that her "Baby sister is coming out soon", and yesterday when I went for an ultrasound she said "Bump" was "Mummy's baby". My heart broke when I began thinking that her little mind might be thinking that I'm having another baby and replacing her. My poor little cherub. I wish I knew what was going on through her mind.

I sat next to her on the lounge last night and read books with her, and afterwards got lots of cuddles and kisses, which was lovely, considering the last couple days she hadn't wanted anything to do with me.

Today Daddy was getting ready to go to work which caused her to get very upset, in the end he had to sneak out the front door when "Popette" was occuppied eating and watching TV to go to work. She wasn't happy when she found out that Daddy had left, the tears started and there was cries of "Daddy Daddy", but I quickly distracted her with another episode of "Postman Pat" that we had recorded....thank goodness for technology!

The last couple days "Popette" hasn't been herself, she's had a runny nose and eyes which we think is hayfever, since the medicine we originally gave her for colds didn't work, but the Zyrtec for Kids did, plus she's had a bout of gastro on the weekend, so I don't think that has helped, plus everything else she's going through.

She started daycare a couple weeks ago, just one day a week. When I dropped her off last week she cried and cried, and clung to my legs not wanting me to leave. I nearly burst into tears myself. After 20 minutes I eventually left her, feeling terrible that she was so miserable and didn't want to be there. I was reassured by the staff that it's normal for them to be like this when they are just starting to attend daycare. I called the office a couple hours later, and was told that she was happy and having a good time. But when I picked her up, she gave me a big cuddle and cried, making her little friend cry also.

I wish my sweet little girl would cheer up and be her happy self again soon. It's horrible seeing her so miserable.

02 September 2011

"Popette's" first day at daycare

It's my 'blogoversary' whole year since I started writing this blog, how quickly has that time flown by. I don't think I'll ever be a blogger that writes a blog-a-day, but I will try to write at least one blog each week although it might be get hard to fit in the time once "Bump" is born, so forgive me if they become less frequent. I hope you continue to follow me on my motherhood journey, and drop in from time to time to say "Hi". :-)

Yesterday it was "Popette's" first day in daycare. I was feeling very anxious about sending her off into the unknown, as it was all new to me as well as her. Although she's 2 and a half now, she's still my little baby. We haven't been separated a lot since she was born, so it was a big step for me to send her somewhere without me being there to look after her, and to trust that the people there would do a good job at looking after her.

I had been tossing up on whether to start her before the baby arrived or after she was born, and had all these thoughts going through my head about whether she would feel rejected by me because I sent her off to daycare, or whether she would feel unloved and take it out on the baby, or resent me and the baby as we would be the ones taking her to childcare. But when talking to the Childcare Centre Director, my hubby and I decided that it would probably be a good idea if we started her before the baby was born so she could get used to the daycare and not have the baby to worry about.

Lately I'd been worried about whether enrolling "Popette" into daycare was going to be the right thing or not, so after months of procrastinating about it, hubby & I decided it would be a good thing for her and also for me. We thought the interaction with other kids would be good for "Popette" as she doesn't play with a lot of other children and really needs to mingle with kids as she's become quite shy and withdrawn, and having some time away from Mummy might also be good for her.

So last Friday hubby and I enrolled her into a daycare located just down the road from our house, only 5 mins from Mummy, for one day a week. One of her little friends goes to the same daycare, so we thought it might be nice if she went the same day as her so the transition would be easier for her.

For some time I had it in my mind that I would send her one day a week once "Bump" was born so I could have a day to myself and the baby, and also have a little break from "Popette". What I didn't think about is how it would affect me when I actually enrolled her and took her on her first day.

When I eventually dropped her off I was expecting tears and cries of "Mummy don't go", instead she clung to my hand for a little while, until her little friend ("Miss O") came over and took her by the hand and started to show her around. When I told her I was going and I would see her later, she ran back to me, and said "See you later Mum" and that was it. There was no tears, no sudden outbursts, no clinging to my leg and screams of "Don't go Mummy", not even a kiss and cuddle goodbye!

I on other hand felt a little sad as I was leaving my little girl behind. I was strong and didn't burst into tears like my hubby thought I would. I really wasn't sure what to expect. Maybe I expected to feel wanted or needed since I was the main person whose been looking after her for the majority of her short life. I thought my little girl might of wanted Mummy to stay and not leave her alone in the strange place.

It felt strange to arrive home to an empty and quiet house, with no "ABC for Kids" on the TV or "Popette" running around the place. I found that I missed her as soon as I dropped her off. I'm sure in time I will relish these days, but at the moment as its all new to me and her I guess it'll take some time in getting used to.

From what I heard she had a great time, and only got upset when she was told that she had to go inside for lunch...I think she was upset mainly because she had been playing outside on the slippery dip and in the sandpit, two of her favourite things.

I arrived later in the afternoon to pick her up, and instead of getting an excited greeting, I got a sad little face along with some tears and a cuddle. I don't know if she was unhappy with me for being away for so long, or whether she was unhappy that she had to leave. I hugged her and told her that I miss her, and she replied "I missed you Mum", hubby seems to think thats why she was so sad as she missed her Mummy. After our hug, we collected her things, then she excitedly showed me the fish in the tank, and some things she had played with. She then waved goodbye to the ladies who looked after her, and said "See you next week".

She came home with a "present" she made Daddy for Father's Day, a painted and sparkly paper picture frame and a card she drew in which she excitedly gave to Daddy, then told us all about her first day at daycare. I'm guessing it wasn't such a bad day for her after all.

26 August 2011

The countdown begins

Well the countdown has begun in our household to the arrival of 'Bump'. There's only 3 1/2 weeks to go, which is crazy....I can't believe she's going to be here that soon. This pregnancy has certainly flown by for me. It only feels like yesterday when I announced it on my blog and told our family & friends.

So far everything seems to be going well. I saw my OB/GYN yesterday and she was happy with my blood pressure, which was at its all time low, for a change. I had an ultrasound on the Monday and the results of that showed that baby is in the 25th percentile, and is now 2.2kg which is double the size of "Popette" when she was born. The fluid around the baby was good and she was in a nice position.

My OB/GYN seems to think we shouldn't have any major problems now that we've reached the 34 1/2 week mark (yippee!!). Only a few weeks ago we were worried that she might be born at 34 weeks, but now it looks like we've passed that hurdle and going to reach our goal of 38 weeks - which makes hubby & I very happy, as she'll be born full-term and nearly at the end of my pregnancy. I'll also get to experience her rooming-in with me in the private hospital, which I'm excited about as I get my own room.

I would of liked to have tried a natural labour, but my Drs feel that it's better for me to have a casearean section in case I develop pre-eclampsia or have problems with my blood pressure towards the end of pregnancy. So it looks like I'll be getting booked in for a casear fairly soon. My OB/GYN doesn’t want to decide on a delivery date as yet, since things like my blood pressure etc can change quickly for me over the next couple weeks, so she’ll continue to see me weekly then make a decision.

Today we had "Bump's" tallboy delivered, so I'm hoping hubby & I can get the room setup and decorated over the weekend. We still have to purchase the wall decal for "Popette's" room. I've found one that has butterflies, bugs and flowers, which I think will look nice and which has "Popette's" approval. Hubby is also wanting to add some wooden trim where the wallpaper border used to be...there's a white line there now so we want to hide it. No use sticking up another wallpaper border as "Popette" will just take it down like the other one. Then all we need to do in "Popette's" room is decide whether to move the cot, and replace the bookcase. I was hoping to get some artwork done and up on both girl's walls, but I think this might have to wait.

We're continuing to have problems with "Popette" not wanting to sleep in her 'big girls bed', so have been trying to decide if its best that we remove the cot altogether or let her stay in it. As there's only 3 1/2 weeks to go until "Bump" is born, we don't want "Popette" to regress further if we go pushing her. The baby will be sleeping in a bassinette in our room for the first few months so won't need the cot for a while, so we're wondering if it might be best to move her into to her 'big girls bed' later on.

My house still looks like a bomb has hit it. It's really starting to frustrate me that I can't get a lot of stuff done. I try and do little bits of tidying up and cleaning so I'm not 'overdoing it' but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Of course hubby is happy to help, but he thinks the yard is more important (men with their yards!!) and doesn't think the house is 'that bad'. I think having a clean and tidy house is more important, considering we live within the house and not in our back/front yards, plus for me I can't do a lot of things at the moment, and if I wanted to invite someone over - can't because the house is a mess and needs tidying up and floors vaccummed etc. Where's the cleaning fairy when you need her?

12 August 2011

Finding the perfect name for our little girl

In approximately 6-7 weeks time our little girl will be born. I didn't realise how hard it would be to pick out a name second time round, especially middle names that go nicely with the first name. While we didn't have a lot of time to choose "Popette's" name, I didn't think it would take us this long to choose our 2nd bubs name.

Hubby and I have been searching through books and websites for names and writing them down in lists, but still can't decide on an appropriate name for our little one. "Popette" wasn't named until I saw her the day after she was born, which was the first chance I got to see and meet her. As she was born so early (29wks + 3 days) we hadn't even finished deciding on a list of girl's names, so had to quickly come up with a short list of names we liked. My hubby didn't like her name at first, but when he saw her, he fell in love with it and thought it suited her perfectly. Maybe that will be the same for this little one, who knows.

We're hoping to find the perfect girly name for this bubba as well.

On our short list at the moment we have:


But are unsure of approximate middle names that will sound nice with each one.

Does anyone have any suggestions on some first and middle names?? At the moment she could be named; 'Lucy Goosey' ("Popette's" suggestion), 'Baby Sister', 'Baby' or 'Bubba 2', which I don't think are that appealing. ;-)


I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has flown by. I'm 32 weeks + 4 days already, it won't be long until our bubba will be born, which is a bit scary to think about.

This hasn't been the easiest pregnancy for me, what with me going through early bleeding, morning sickness and now high blood pressure, but still it has gone by quickly.

My blood pressure is starting to behave itself, thanks to the blood pressure medication that I am on. At first it made me quite tired, so it was a struggle to get anything done and I was worried about driving the car.

My OB/GYN is fairly positive that I will be fine for another few weeks. I am hoping that I make it to at least 35 weeks as the likelihood of something being wrong with bubs is much less, I will also be able to deliver her in the private hospital I am booked into (unlike last time with "Popette") and have her sleep with me in my room, which will be a new experience for me.

On the homefront there's still so much to do. We've yet to clear out the Study and start decorating it into the baby's room and setting it up, although we have got all the furniture for the baby's room sorted out. I've also yet to buy some new wall decals for "Popette's" room.

We finally bought "Popette" a 'big girls bed' and have it setup in her room. She slept in it twice during the day last week, but she hasn't slept in it since. We're having issues with her not wanting to sleep in it and only wanting to sleep in her 'baby's bed' (Cot). We've been telling her that she's outgrown the baby's bed and needs to move into the 'big girls bed', but it doesn't seem to be working. I think Daddy might have to take the baby's bed down over the weekend and see how she goes cold turkey...not looking forward to that!

She seems to have regressed in a few ways. I feel so bad for her, I'm so worried that she thinks that she's being replaced by the baby. Hopefully she'll be fine when the baby is born. She is such the sweetest little thing, I really hate seeing her unhappy.

03 August 2011

Trying not to worry: a diary of a worried second-time-mum-to-be

Have you ever been told "try not to worry" but can't stop yourself from worrying? It's harder than you think, especially when you have something happen to you and can't do anything about it.

For me, it was being admitted into hospital because of high blood pressure.

At the time of writing this blog, literally using pen to paper from my hospital bed as I didn't have access to a computer or web just my mobile phone, I was 30 weeks & 5 days pregnant.

Friday 30 July

On Thursday I went to see my OB for what I thought would be a routine check-up and to make sure everything was going okay with the pregnancy. But soon found out that my blood pressure was high at 140/95 and reflexes where brisk. She thought it might be a good idea to admit into hospital for 24hrs under observation for my blood pressure and any potential PET (pre-eclampsia) symptoms, due to my medical history.

I quickly called my hubby who was supposed to be in Canberra that day, but luckily cancelled his trip days before...I must of sensed something was going to happen, and he came home from work to take me to the hospital and look after "Popette".

I was then checked-in to the delivery suite for observation, and to have some bloods taken before being moved to a room in the Antenatal/Maternity ward.

My OB and renal physician both visited me this morning, checking over the results of the blood tests taken and awaiting results of a 24hr urine analysis collection. At that stage they were happy that my kidneys, liver & platelet levels were all good, but concerned about my rising blood pressure (b/p), and what my results would be from the urine test.

I was asked to stay tonight so they could see what the tests were in the morning, then make a decision. Another OB was standing in for my Dr over the weekend, so she was to discuss the results of the test with me, and review my B/P from the night before.

My OB told my hubby and I that if my B/P continues to play up and results from the urine test analysis are no good then I will have to go on B/P medication, and stay in hospital until Monday or when the tablets start stabilising my B/P.

She also told me not to overdo things (which can be hard with a 2 1/2 year old) and try to rest when I can and only do things that are necessary, so leave things like housework. Maybe do housework once a week with hubby. Of course my hubby had a silent giggle to himself thinking "you don't know my wife" meaning - she's not that big into housework in any case.

My OB then assured me to try not worry too much as we have gotten to 30 weeks without any dramas until now, unlike with "Popette" who was born at 29 weeks + 3 days.

Saturday 31 July

My B/P wasn't good last night, before my OB left it was 130/98, then when it was tested again (every 4-5hrs) it was 140/90. The stand-in OB mentioned that the urine tests were good but she was concerned with the upper abdo pain I was experiencing and erratic behaviour of my b/p, so ordered more blood tests to be taken and a trace to check bubs fetal movements using the heartbeat monitor.

I know I shouldn't worry, as it probably isn't helping me or my b/p, but its hard not too.

I laid awake for 2hrs in the early hours of the morning thinking about our baby being born early, and of us going through the same ordeal we had experienced with "Popette". I was thinking of the time she was in hospital and us being so traumatised by what we went through, and of this little bubba being born early and hoping that she can be delivered full-term or close to full-term as possible.

Prior to these last few days, people would tell me to 'stay positive' and that everything is going to be okay, and that I'll go to full-term. I know they mean well, but they have no real idea of what I am going through or been through for that matter.

I'll be lucky to get to 34-35 weeks, with the way things are going.

I want to go home, I'm missing my hubby and "Popette". They came to visit me today, but didn't stay that long as "Popette" didn't want to be stuck inside a hospital room...I can't blame her I don't either! I know she is torn as she really wants to see her Mummy, but just not here.

When I was admitted to hospital while pregnant with "Popette" my hubby would spend hours with me each day, its so much harder now with a little one.

We've been lucky to spend some time together before he has to take "Popette" home for lunch, her day sleep or dinner.

Because of the erratic behaviour of my b/p - 120/100 in on instance, then 140/90 & 130/90 in other instances, I stayed another night in hospital away from my little family.

Saturday 31 July - 8.30pm

I miss my family. I just spoke to my hubby on the phone, poor "Popette" is having "Mummy Anxiety". While she seems to be coping okay without Mummy at home during the day, she's been whingy and not sleeping too well at night. And often wakes up upset.

Hubby is being strong although I can tell he's worried like hell about me, and sounds a little down when I speak to him on the phone.

It's so hard not to worry or think the worst of things.

We still haven't got bub's room ready, we're converting the study (aka "junk room") into bub's room. The room has a bookcase, sofa bed, change table and two sets of drawers currently stored in it, plus contents, so we've got to find somewhere to put everything, except for the change table which will stay.

And still have to buy furniture for both bub's and "Popette's" rooms, and decorate both rooms.

Plus I wanted "Popette" toilet trained and sleeping in her 'big girls bed', which was only delivered on Wednesday and waiting for Daddy to put together, before bubs is born.

So I'm finding it rather hard not to worry at the moment.

Sunday 31 July

This morning my b/p was 128/90 so down a bit from the evening's readings of 130/90. The stand-in OB came by to see me and discussed how I was feeling and what she thought was best for me.

I want to go home but as my b/p is so erratic the Dr thinks it best I stay another night and see my OB in the morning.

Hopefully my Dr will put me on b/p medication to help control and stabilise my b/p, and keep bub's in my tummy longer.

Monday 1 August - 31 weeks

I saw my OB this morning I think she was surprised that I was still here. I told her what her colleague said to me about my b/p and an elevation she saw in my 2nd lot of blood tests. My OB thought both were fine and thinks she may have made her colleague a little scared about me, due to my history. At least they are being extra cautious with me.

She noticed that the diastolic number had been up around 90, so after consulting with my renal physician, decided to start me on a low dose of blood pressure medication. She mentioned that if my b/p stays under 90 today I could possibly go home tomorrow - hooray!!

Again she told me to try and relax, or worry too much (that word again) as we've made it to 31 weeks, and mentioned if the baby was born in the next couple of weeks the likelihood of something being wrong with it, would be a lot of less.

I think hubby is finding it hard looking after "Popette" full-time. In a way it's good, as it gives him some insight into what I have to deal with day-to-day, minus the visits to the hospital. But I think he is slowly starting to realise why I don't get certain things done on some days or why the housework isn't always done. He's also realising how often "Popette" stops and eats, it's non-stop!!

I know it's been hard on them both, "Popette" is not dealing very well with me not at home. Hubby says she's missing me a lot, and when they leave me to go to the car she doesn't want to go.

Hopefully the aldomet will keep my b/p down and give us more time with bubs in my tummy. I have the feeling that bubs will be born earlier than later, but I know I shouldn't worry....I can't help but think about what still needs to be done, and how I am going to cope with a newborn and toddler.

I guess I haven't spent too much time thinking about juggling two children under the age of 3. I'm feeling a bit nervous to tell the truth. Hubby is the opposite, very excited that bubs will be born soon. Don't get me wrong I'm excited too, but feeling a little apprehensive as I will be the one looking after them for the majority of the time.

Monday 1st August - 7pm

Another night away from my little family.

Hubby and "Popette" came to visit me this evening. While "Popette" was happy to see me, you could tell that she's had enough of coming to the hospital. I really hope I can go home tomorrow. The visit lasted maybe 30 minutes, then she told Daddy while dragging him to the door that it was time to go and said "See you later Mum" to me, it broke my heart!

Tuesday 2nd August

I've finally been given the all clear to go home - hooray!!! My blood pressure has finally started to come down - 110/70, which is a relief. I just need to see my OB on Thursday for a check-up, and my renal physician on Monday.

What was to be a 24hr stay in hospital turned into a 5 night stay due to my blood pressure becoming erratic, along with pain in my upper abdomen which can be impending symptoms of pre-eclampsia.

I'm hoping now that I'm on blood pressure medication and with regular visits to my OB I'll last to full-term. We're just taking 1 week at a time, so we'll see how things go.

15 July 2011

28 weeks + 3 days

Yesterday I kind of celebrated an 'anniversary' of sorts. It was exactly that time (28 weeks + 3 days) when I was pregnant with "Popette" that I was admitted into hospital with high blood pressure and the beginnings of pre-eclampsia, then a week later "Popette" was born.

Hopefully we'll get past that 'anniversary' as well. It was such a scarey time for hubby & I. I really hope I don't go through it again.

After seeing my OB/GYN yesterday, I started to worry. She mentioned that it was a possibility that I will have pre-eclampsia again but not as severe as last time. She also mentioned that it might be later on in my pregnancy. I was hopeful and said 38 weeks, but she seems to think it could be earlier, maybe around the 34 week mark, which is only 6 weeks away!! Which means we'd have another premmie baby, but not born as early as "Popette" was.

My OB/GYN was happy with the results from my latest scan and mentioned that "Bump" is now 1.245kg (so bigger than what her Big Sis was at this stage) and is in the 50th percentile for her weight. She was also happy with my blood pressure and the amount of fluid around the baby, so we're keeping our fingers crossed it stays that way, and that the medication I'm on continues to work.

I still haven't gotten much ready for the baby, I don't know why it's taking me so long...I was so eager when I was pregnant with "Popette" to get the room setup, buy clothes etc. I guess it's hard when you have a toddler wanting your attention. "Popette's" also going through a rough time at the moment, we think its her 2 yr molars, and has been a terror for the past few days.

I've also been feeling tired and having lots of aches & pains which has been stopping me from doing things. Also trying to keep on top of the cleaning and washing, plus a lack of motivation hasn't helped. I really want to start "nesting" but can't get everything I want done done, it's so frustrating.

If this baby does come early, I'd really like to have "Popette's" room and the baby's room decorated. We also need to go shopping and buy "Popette" a 'big girls bed', along with some furniture for her and the baby's room. We were hoping to start "Popette" sleeping in her 'big girls bed' before the baby comes home....hmmm I think we're hopeful.

We tried converting her cot to the toddler bed last weekend, but that was a hindsight it probably wasn't the best night for it, as she hadn't had a day sleep and was overtired. While she liked the idea of a 'big girls bed', there was no way she was going to sleep in it.

I have so much to do, yet I feel as though I don't have the energy to do it. I really need "SuperDad" to give me a hand and get things organised. Hopefully we can get to some of the things on the "To-Do" list this weekend.

12 July 2011

Finding inspiration for your blog

Where do you get your blogging inspiration from?

Is it from your day-to-day life, your children, your work, your partner/spouse/significant other, from people you see on the street or from conversations you might hear?

Is it from articles you read in magazines or newspapers, or stories you see on TV?

Is it from nature, travel, art, photographs, books, movies?

I'm having a bit of a "mind blank" when it comes to inspiration for my blog. I follow quite a few blogs, and it amazes me to where bloggers come up with the content for their blogs.

I know I could continue to write about "Popette" and her little adventures, or the tales of my pregnancy, but I'm sure there is other things I could blog about that would be more interesting to you readers? Surely??

Let's see....there's the recently launched carbon tax...hmmmm....if I totally understood what its about and what it means to a Stay-at-home Mum like me, then maybe I could blog about it, but I don't, so I'll leave that one to the experts.

What else, well there's travel...before kids hubby and I used to love to travel. Its been a while since Hubby and I have gone on a decent relaxing holiday. Our last couple of holidays have been family vacations with "Popette", and while we have loved every minute of our little family holiday its not quite the same as the exciting overseas holidays that you take 6 months to plan and even longer to save your money up for.

Our last big holiday was to Fiji which was wonderful, it's such a lovely, tranquil and relaxing place. We saved up our bucks and splurged at a gorgeous 4 star island resort, where we indulged on good food, wine, beer, more food, wine, beer, cocktails, a couples massage (my hubby's first and who has sworn won't be his last) plus swimming, snorkelling and a bit of sightseeing. We kind of knew it would be our last "big" holiday for sometime as we had been trying to have a baby. Who would have knew that I would fall pregnant on that holiday...unfortunately it wasn't meant to be.

It wasn't until we went away for a weekend trip to Canberra that I fell pregnant with "Popette" and as they say, the rest was history.

I'm guessing it'll be a while until we get to go away again. I'm 28 weeks and 1 day today. I had my ultrasound yesterday, which seemed to go well. I'll see my OB/GYN on Thursday so will have to see what she says. I'm just glad that I haven't been admitted to hospital like I was when I was 28 weeks pregnant with "Popette".

Well gotta go, "Popette" has woken up and is calling me.

Have a great week.

28 June 2011

Let the fun and games begin

Well it seems the fun and games of my pregnancy has now begun. I was wondering if I would go through the same rollercoaster ride I went on with my first pregnancy, and it seems that the ride has started!

For those of you who don't know my history, I'll fill you in. With my first pregnancy, I had acute severe pre-eclampsia along with HELLP syndrome which resulted in "Popette" being born at 29 weeks + 3 days (11 weeks premature).

At 28 weeks I was admitted to hospital and went through a week of suffering mind-blowing migraines, swollen ankles, high blood pressure, dropping platelet levels, protein in my urine (which are all signs of pre-eclampsia) and towards the end, my placenta started rejecting my liver and kidneys started to fail...this was all because of a dodgie placenta!!

"Popette" on the other hand was fine, and would have been quite happy to stay in Mummy's tummy, but as Mummy was getting rather sick she had to be delivered by emergency casearean, and was then admitted into the NICU for a 7 week stint.

Unfortunately it looks like I have another dodgie placenta...why can't I have a normal pregnancy.

A couple weeks ago I saw my OB/GYN and found out that my blood pressure was starting to rise, it wasn't quite as high as it was with my first pregnancy, but high enough to cause some concern.

I had to get an ultrasound done at 24 weeks which was all fine, but then had to get my glucose blood test done, which came back had to get it tested again, just another thing to worry about.

From then on everything started to became a big worry. I’ve also been told that I have to take tablets for low iron, and antibiotics for a bladder infection I didn't know I had. Then last Friday, I had an appointment at the Fetal Maternal Assessment Unit within the hospital, where I was to be monitored over 4 hours. They also take urine and blood tests to check everything is normal, luckily all the results came back fine (and my blood pressure behaved itself, typical!!) so was able to leave earlier than expected.

Yesterday I had an appointment with my renal physician so told him what has been happening. He was pretty upset that things had started to play up, as he had started me early on clexane injections and low dose asprin, which should stop me from having these problems again.

My Dr mentioned that unfortunately there's a small percentage of women who get pre-eclampsia again, regardless of the medication they are on...I'm hoping I don't fall into that percentile. I have another ultrasound at 28 weeks, so depending on the results of the scan, he'll then decide whether I should start taking blood pressure medication.

So things haven’t been real great lately. I've also had a shocker of a cold and irritating cough for the past couple weeks so that has knocked it out of me and taken a long time for me to get over as there was not a lot I could take.

If I'm placed on blood pressure medication, I will feel sorry for my poor husband, as it makes me snore terribly, hehehe ;-)

At least I'm lucky that my hubby has been a great support. He’s very worried, and cancelled a trip to Canberra last week so he could work closer to home and be with me and "Popette".

He spent a couple days working from home and took Friday off so he could look after "Popette" while I was the hospital...I don't think it would of done my blood pressure any good if she came with me, lol. We’re just hoping I get past the 29 week mark this time round...its a little scarey that my blood pressure is playing up. I'm hoping that if I get put on medication early enough it’ll settle itself down and I can make it to the third trimester....which I didn't get to last time round.

I had a phone call from my OB/GYN today saying that my 2nd glucose test came back normal, so "Hooray" for that at least.

Now we just have to wait and see what happens with my blood pressure over the next couple weeks, and see how the scan goes.

17 June 2011

What's date night?

Date night has pretty much been non-existent for us these past couple years. If I was to count the amount of times we've been out on our own since our daughter was born, it would probably fit on one hand.

I know how important it is to have time alone as a couple, but what do you do when you are stuck at home due to financial or babysitting issues? For us, its babysitting thats the issue. While my parents are happy to look after "Popette", its mainly Mum who does it as Dad is elderly and can't help too much. He also has health issues which makes it hard for him to put up with our daughter for a long period of time. Mum is in her late 60s, and while she does her best, she can't look after our daughter for too long either. An hour here or
there (especially during the day when shes awake), shes only too happy to look after her, but I don't like to take advantage of them. She's helped me out a lot these past few months with looking after "Popette" as I've had to go to various prenatal and ultrasound appointments. But I know once "Bubba" comes along, and there's two littlies to babysit, I don't think my parents will be too thrilled about taking care of a newborn and a nearly 3 year old all that much.

My husband's family live 5 hours away, so they've never been easily available to babysit for us. My older brothers both have 2 kids of there own, so I haven't bothered asking them to look after "Popette" for us. Friends from Mums group have offered, but I haven't wanted to burden them as most of them already have 2 littlies of their own, and Hubby is worried about hiring a where does that put us?

Most nights I sit in front of the TV, while Hubby's playing a game on the computer because hes not interested in what I'm watching. There's a couple shows he'll watch so we'll sit and watch them together, but apart from that we don't spend that much time together.
We try to have dinner with "Popette", otherwise it can get too late for us to eat when she goes to bed (which lately has been around 9pm) or we don't want to make too much noise in the kitchen.

Our conversations seem to revolve around our daughter, the baby, hubby's work, the household or money issues. At times we might talk about things we used to do as a couple or places we visited, but that seems a distant memory, which is quite sad. Sometimes I feel as though hubby and I have lost touch with each other, or are so wrapped up in being Mummy & Daddy we forget about ourselves, is that just me or is that normal when you become a parent!?

On a Friday or Saturday night we might hire a DVD, or watch a movie that's on TV...while eating some chocolate (can't forget the chocolate!!) If I wasn't pregnant there would be a bottle of wine thrown in there too!  But that seems to be about it for our 'date nights'.

We don't go out to the movies anymore, well not alone. We haven't been out for a proper 'date night' or gone out for dinner alone since November 2009....the reason I can remember this, as it was our 13th wedding anniversary. I remember us being so worried about leaving our daughter at home, but Mum reassured us that everything was going to be alright and for us to "Have a good time and don't worry".

The last time we went out as a couple was to see Bon Jovi in concert in December. My parents looked after "Popette" once again, but had a terrible time with her crying and screaming for Mummy & Daddy to come home. After that we felt guilty and thought we wouldn't put them through it again...but then that makes it hard for us to go anywhere or do anything.

Now with a 2nd bub on the way I worry that hubby and I won't get any time to ourselves or be able to find the time to rekindle our relationship. I know my husband loves me, but I do worry that our relationship is suffering.

So readers I ask you this question, what else can I do? Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas?

08 June 2011

Crafty times with "Popette"

These past few days the weather has been getting pretty chilly in the Blue Mountains. It's getting that way, that its too cold to play outside for too long or for a play at the park. Although we did venture outside for a little while yesterday to pick up sticks for Daddy so he could light the fire when he got home.

As "Popette's" picked up a cold and has a horrible chesty cough, I also haven't wanted to take her out anywhere. So over the past couple days we've missed music class, and catching up with her little friends and the Mums from Mums group.

I have been thinking of fun things we could do besides plonking her in front of the TV, which isn't a hard thing to do when I'm getting breakfast/lunch/dinner ready, having a shower or cleaning up around the house, I just turn on the TV to "ABC for Kids" and she'll sit there happily watching "Play School", "Sesame Street" or whatever else is on. Although the TV has been on most mornings, I try and turn it off for a few hours and make sure she does something fun with Mummy. Being a Mummy who loves all types of arts and crafts, it had to be some arty & crafty type fun ;-)

On Monday we started off with some colouring-in...."Popette" has a few scrap books containing pages and pages of drawings she has done or ones I have helped her with, which she then colours in. As well as a couple colouring-in books which she'll sit and happily colour-in.

Yesterday we did some painting, which "Popette" loves to do. I enjoy watching her mixing up her paints and telling me what she is painting. With most of her paintings she told me 'its a sunny day', hmm...not sure where the sun was, but she kept telling me 'its a sunny day Mum', I helped her paint a rainbow and she painted some flowers, beautiful!

Today we had some fun with play-doh. I got out my old cookie cutters and we made shapes with the doh. Then I gave her a peg and small piece of wood which she used to decorate her shapes....lots of fun.

Each afternoon we've also spent time playing blocks and building all sorts of houses, towers, stables for her little farm animals or garages for her cars. Yesterday it was a tunnel for her car...sometimes it'll be "Mum Captain Swords ship" [aka Captain Feathersword], now that made Mummy use her brain!!

Other crafty things we have done lately include making flower pictures by sticking cupcake patties and pipe cleaners on pieces of paper, and making pictures of farm animals using little coloured pom-poms, and cotton-wool balls stuck on pieces of paper.

Do your kids enjoy arts and crafts? What sort of things do your kids like to make?

Now to think of what we'll do tomorrow!!

28 May 2011

In search for the perfect pair of maternity jeans

Today I went on a shopping expedition on my own (which is a bit of luxury for me, as I don't get to do that that much anymore) in search of some affordable maternity clothes, in particular jeans and pyjamas.

It's so hard finding nice, stylish maternity clothes that don't cost a bundle, and that also don't look like something my mother would of worn when she was pregnant with me and my brothers.

My first stop was Big W. Big W's maternity range was very limited. I tried on their only pair of maternity jeans, which felt more like a pair of pants that your grandmother would wear - with the big elasticised waist but made to look like a pair of jeans. While the price sounded good ($35.00) the design didn't look very appealing or was very flattering.

So on to my next stop...Target. Besides Target's own range of maternity wear, they sell "Catriona Rowntree's" maternity range. While there are some nice clothes available, I found most to be marketed to the working Mum-to-be and not a lot designed for the Stay-at-home Mum like me. The jeans I tried on were $59.00, which I thought was a bit rich for Target.....I wondered if that was because they had Catriona Rowntree's name stamped on them. Today they had a sale on, which meant they would have only cost me $40.00, woohoo! Unfortunately, the pair I tried on weren't very appealing and didn't feel like they would grow with me when I got bigger. I'm wanting something that I can wear throughout winter and that will hold my tummy and bum in place! I don't think I am asking for too much.

The next store I searched in was Myer, and what a disappointment that was. I usually love going to Myer and looking at their clothes. But today I found out that they have stopped stocking maternity clothes. I'm very disappointed Myer. Can you tell me why you'd stop selling maternity clothes? Don't you think there's a market for maternity clothes? Hmmm, haven't you seen the large amount of pregnant women walking around the plaza lately? I'll give you a hint...they need clothes to wear too!

I remember when I was pregnant with "Popette", and Myer had just launched their maternity range, which was only 2 1/2 years ago!! Regardless to say, I never bought any of their maternity clothes. While they had some lovely clothes, I thought some of the items were a bit overpriced for what they were. Of course they were of good quality, but I couldn't see myself spending $80 on a pair of trousers which I would only wear a number of times.

I don't understand why it is so hard to find clothes that are affordable, and still really stylish.

I have bought quite a few pieces of clothing from K-Mart as I found the quality fairly good and the price was good. For my last pregnancy, I bought a pair of jeans for $39.00, which I wore to death. I'm wearing them again this time round, but need another pair for winter. So looked at the jeans they had in stock this season, but they are not nearly as nice as the pair I have and are not very comfortable.

On to my second last stop, Pumpkin Patch. I love Pumpkin Patch, especially the children's clothing, they are simply gorgeous. I like it even better when they have an "End of Season" sale, or sale on discounted clothing with an extra % off...woohoo!!  They are a little too expensive for everyday wear for my little cherub, but when they have a big sale on and I can snap up a few bargains, it's great. I found their maternity jeans to be a bit pricey for my liking (around the $70 - $80 mark). I tried on a pair of jean-like pants which were on sale, but they weren't for me. They were a bit too clingy and shiny in the areas I didn't want to be clingy and shiny.
I finally found a pair of jeans from none other than Jeanswest. They were the only jeans store I came across who sold maternity jeans. This weekend they have a 40% sale on all clothes, so instead of paying $69.95, I picked up a pair for $41.95...what a bargain! Now $40.00 is much better than $70 - $80+ on a pair of maternity jeans which I'm not going to get a lot of wear out of.

So in the end, I didn't go home empty-handed. Unfortunately nowhere sold maternity pyjamas, so I guess I'll just have to stick to my flannies which keep falling off me until I find something more suitable.

26 May 2011

When 3 becomes 4

In 5 months time my little family will grow from 3 to 4. I'm feeling a little sad as it won't just be me, "Popette" and "SuperDad" anymore. I love the time I'm with my little family, especially watching "Popette" develop and grow into a confident, happy, cheeky little girl. Then on the other hand, I'm also excited as we'll have another little member in our family and "Popette" will be a big sister and have a little sibling to play with.

It doesn't seem all that long ago when I was feeling anxious about Hubby and I no longer being just the two of us...but that feels like a distant memory now.

I'm feeling a little worried that "Popette" won't like sharing Mummy and Daddy with a tiny little sibling, and not get all of our attention like she currently does. Or that she gets jealous with all the attention that is given to the baby and not her.

I think she is starting to understand in her little mind, that Mummy is having a baby. If we ask her "Where's the baby", she'll lift my top and look at my tummy or bellybutton. Sometimes she kisses and cuddles my tummy, and will say "Hello baby", which is so cute.

I'm hoping she'll be a loving, big sister and will be able to help Mummy. She's become such a big girl all of a sudden, I'm not sure when that happened. I sometimes wonder what happened to my little girl. She seems to be growing up so quickly.

For the past couple of weekends "SuperDad" has been cleaning out the garage, as to make room for our car which is currently at the smash repairers. So "Popette" has been outside with Daddy helping him carry things from the garage, or place rubbish in the recycling bin. It was so gorgeous to watch. She loved being outside helping Daddy, of course Daddy loved it too.

She's also been helping Mummy & Daddy carry the groceries from the car, even the really heavy bags when we've told her "No, it's too heavy". She then unpacks all the groceries, and helps me place them in the cupboard or fridge.

She loves helping us buy fruit & vegies. She'll get us a carrot, tomato or whatever else we need, sometimes its not the freshest, but she still knows what we want...another reason I think she loves it, is because she gets a stamp from the lady at the cash register!

When I'm sweeping the floorboards she will go get her little broom and mop and help Mummy clean the floor. She is a such a sweet sweet girl. I really hope she stays that way when bub comes along. Sometimes I wish I could freeze time so she would stop growing, and just keep her at this age....minus the terrible 2 tantrums and hissy fits of course! I don't own a video camera, so at times kick myself for not capturing some of the cute little things she does on video for later years.